Grant Opportunities
Community Crossing Matching Grant
Launched in 2016, the Community Crossings Matching Grant Program provides funding to cities, towns, and counties across Indiana to make improvements to local roads and bridges. Community Crossings is a partnership between INDOT and Hoosier communities, both urban and rural, to invest in infrastructure projects that catalyze economic development, create jobs, and strengthen local transportation networks.
Projects that are eligible for funding through Community Crossings include road resurfacing and preservation, bridge rehabilitation or replacement, road reconstruction with Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance in connection with a road project. Material costs for chip sealing and crack filing operations are also eligible for funding.
Local Public Agency Programs Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)
Local Public Agency Programs Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)
Funding opportunities for Local Agencies are posted on an INDOT webpage. There are certain training requirements needed for application to this program. The unit of government must have an Employee in Responsible Charge (ERC). This position requires a full-time employee of the City, Town or County who can authorize changes to the project. The match requirement of 80 /20 % 20 % is the local match requirement.
A link to the Notice of Funding Availability is listed here:
Highway Safety Improvement Program
The Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) provides remediation for six (6) types of accidents. The countermeasures are detailed in the Indiana Strategic Highway Plan (SHSP). This program applies to areas that display a higher than normal rate of fatal and incapacitating injury accidents. The owner of the roadway is to provide a cost benefit analysis for the project. The types of remediation for the projects include, replacement upgrading of traffic signage, installation of backing plates to existing traffic signals, providing rumble strip to name a few countermeasures.
Safe Routes to School
The Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT) administers the Safe Routes to School Program (SRTS). This program provides for the construction / improvement of sidewalks leading to schools. There is an educational component that teaches walking and bicycling skills. A successful application depends upon community cooperation. The program has been combined with the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP).